Friday, May 20, 2011

Busy as a Bee!

Yes i do realize it has been almost a month since i last wrote! Gahh! i was doing so good too. oh well! I have been very busy! So like i said in my last blog i've been working full time. I have gotten used to the full day of work but for some reason i have not been able to get used to waking up at 6. For those of you who know me very well, you know that i love my sleep. So, waking up that early is not my cup of tea BUT it really is not that bad once i get to work.
 Also i had mentioned that i was moving to a new apartment! Well, even though the move took awhile i am so happy to be in my new apartment!! I think i like it better than living that house. My friend Blair and i have decorated it some to make it even cuter. It is also nice because the apartment complex has a pool! i am looking forward to using it when its warm, and STAYS WARM!
Some more exciting news, if you haven't heard already, is that my little brother Griffin got his mission call! Starting in October he will be serving a mission for two years for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the San Paulo North, Brazil Mission! He will be speaking Portuguese! I could not be happier for my little bro! I love him so much!
In my last post i had mentioned that i was playing in a recreational soccer league. I am playing in the Sandy Rec league with Christopher's family and it is so much fun! It takes me back to my younger years. It is the most fun! Christopher used to play with us but he is currently selling alarm systems in Manhattan, New York. I miss him so much! I am certainly ready for him to come home!
I am so happy today because Blair (my roommate) and i went to the Provo Temple yesterday! We are so blessed to have a Temple only 5 minutes away from where we live! I love it!
Well, that is it for now! Love and Miss you!

Mare :)