Thursday, May 31, 2012

There's no place like home...

I randomly got to take a visit home! I was worried because I wasn't sure if I was going to make it home at all this summer.  It was a nice relaxing trip and I got to spend a lot of time with family and friends! Here are some pictures!
me and my lovely parents
my puppy!
little brothers and sister
i made some baby headbands for claire
me and the beautiful Cindy

this starts my collection of pictures with the cute Olson kiddies...

claire again...
and again.
me and claire
Me and my Gracie girl

their hot mama Amie!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

I did not get to post this yesterday, but I wanted express how much I love my mama! I am so grateful for  all of the sacrifices she has made for me. She is an outstanding woman and a fantastic mother who handled her six kids like a champion! I am so grateful for her example and guidance in my life. I love you, Mama!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

learning new things

So, I thought it would be fun to learn how to take and edit photos. Not professionally in any way but just to make pictures look better.  I do not have a fancy shmancy camera nor do I have the expensive photoshop technology.  I have just been playing around on this free editing site with pictures I have already taken (of course they are majority of my favorite my favorite kiddies). It is kinda cool. Tell me what you think, I will take any kind of critique!

sweet little Bennett
Bronson is so fun
love this picture of a friend when he was little, but i dont like my editing job.
my cute gracie girl
beautiful big sky montana

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Kissing Sailor

Everyone has seen the iconic picture of the couple kissing in Times Square after World War II was over. I read an article today saying they have figured out who the people in the couple are. Over the years many people have come forward claiming to be the couple but the real couple has been identified! They have found out that the couple in the photo were not even a couple at the time! The sailor, George Mendonsa, was so excited the war was over he just grabbed the first nurse he saw and started kissing her! The funny thing is Mendonsa's girlfriend at the time and the woman he went on to marry is in the background of the picture! If you look closely she is the head peeking out from behind the sailor's right (our left) shoulder. The woman being kissed, Greta Zimmer Friedman, said "It wasn't my choice to be kissed, the guy just came over and grabbed!" (